About OzSec
400 W Waterman St, Wichita, KS 67202
Event Speakers
Coming Soon
Call For Papers
Primary Speaker Name or Pseudonym:
Primary Speaker's preferred pronouns:
Primary Speaker Title and Company (if applicable):
Additional Speaker Name(s)/Pseudonym(s)* and Title(s) and preferred pronouns:
Have any of the speakers presented at a previous OzSec? If Yes, which speaker, what year(s), and which talk(s)?
Primary Speaker Contact Information:
Backup Email or Contact method, in case of communication failure (required):
Primary Speaker Phone Number:
Co-Speaker(s) Email Address(es):
Co-Speaker(s) Phone Number(s):
Speakers' Social Media / Personal Site Information (Twitter, Facebook, website, etc):
Date of Submission:
Presentation Title:
Length of presentation: (45 Minutes Max)
{Short paragraph describing your presentation}
Provide information about yourself that you are comfortable sharing on the website and social media.
Please provide a simple bibliography and/or works cited. List sources you have used (whether referenced or not) in the process of finalizing your presentation. Please remember to credit prior works and acknowledge others.
We will provide a slide template that is preferred but not required. Your submission can use the template, but is not required.
Date & Time:
Is there a specific day or time by which you must present?* Yes or No.
If Yes, Please indicate the dates/times and restriction.
Are there any other special equipment needs that you will require to successfully present your talk?
Additional supporting materials such as code, white papers, proof of concept, etc. should be sent along with your email submission.
Submit the information above and any other relevant information to:
Thank you and good luck!
Event Schedule
What does OzSec 2025 have in store?
This year OzSec will take place over two days. Friday will be a day of presentations. Saturday will be full of hands on workshops and gatherings.
Check in and get your credentials.
Our keynote presentation.
Libero corrupti explicabo itaque. Brenden Legros
Facere provident incidunt quos voluptas.
Et voluptatem iusto dicta nobis. Hubert Hirthe
Maiores dignissimos neque qui cum accusantium ut sit sint inventore.
Explicabo et rerum quis et ut ea. Cole Emmerich
Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.
Qui non qui vel amet culpa sequi. Jack Christiansen
Nam ex distinctio voluptatem doloremque suscipit iusto.
Quos ratione neque expedita asperiores. Alejandrin Littel
Eligendi quo eveniet est nobis et ad temporibus odio quo.
Quo qui praesentium nesciunt Willow Trantow
Voluptatem et alias dolorum est aut sit enim neque veritatis.
Event venue location info and gallery
Hyatt Regency Wichita
Set along the Arkansas River, Hyatt Regency Wichita is one of the premier hotels in Kansas, offering modern rooms, revitalized meeting and wedding venues and a convenient downtown location. Connected to Century II Convention Center, Hyatt Regency Wichita is minutes from Intrust Bank Arena, Riverfront Stadium, Old Town and much more.
Under Construction